Mastering life is going through the journey of finding yourself at different adventures of life.

Master: A Journey of Connection, Growth, and Leadership

Mastery is not knowledge accumulated. In the words of Steven Bartlett, it is never “You do not become a master because you’re able to retain knowledge. You become a master when you’re able to release it.”

Think about the major ones in your life-your very first teacher, friend, cousin, mom, dad, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, coach, trainer, any writer, sports personality, filmmaker, game-those who believed in you. They were the stepping stones in your journey. Now it’s time for you to become a master.

This story contains the key to your answer. Now it is time to let the wisdom out, as they have done for you. It is now your turn.

Master Stories: The Art of Everyday Life

Stories find their genesis in everyday experiences, emotions, and insights that occur at moments when we are committed to something much larger than ourselves. Sometimes a story is fueled by the ups and downs of the emotions evoked in a life experience, or perhaps a set of phenomenal observations have led to reflections.

A fast-moving world barely leaves any time to ponder. That is why we craft stories in ways that cut through the noise, providing clarity amidst simplicity while lighting thoughts that resolve issues faced in the here and now.

As Socrates said, “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.” As tellers we want to begin that thinking. We want to leave space for contemplation on the part of the reader by leaving space within the story we are telling for resolutions to come together.


Master Leadership: Serving Beyond the Title

We often think of leaders being a person in charge of teams, who guide others. Still, true leadership is about service. Leading a team means to elevate each member-to make their job easier, more meaningful, and with purpose. It is about being in the back to let the last team member exit safely, calling them if they need to stay late, and if it ever comes to it-which hopefully it never does-saving the team before you save yourself.

That is leading.

The Genius of Being Average

Life is all about averages. Few talk of the genius called persistence, being average itself is a form of genius. Genius is the destination whereas average is the journey.

Average may not possess the glory of genius, but it is persistence that moves us along-quiet, determined, and usually unobserved. It could be that genius has a lot of friends, but it is average that does all the hard work to reach there.

Life’s Journey: A Roller Coaster of Fantasies and Realities

We very often design our dreams on a straight line and expect life to fall in line. Stories and reality, however, take wavy paths, twisting and turning at each step. Life, much like a roller coaster, materializes from the unexpected, with ups and downs that shape our journey.

Beyond Business: The Power of Connection

Business is not everything, all of the time. Life is bigger than the sum of your professional endeavors. Let’s connect over and above the transactional. Let’s be friends, share stories, and grow together. The relations you make today, are the one’s that make up for your flaws tomorrow. Networking is not always about seeking help from people that you know but friendships that you grow on and off the corporate world.

Embracing mastery, storytelling, leadership, persistence, and connection not only works but creates meaning in each moment of our journey. It is that first thread of the conversation where each story, reflection, and lesson generates growth. Let’s learn more and grow, sharing all the knowledge released on the way.

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